Annual Wellness Visits help your physician develop a personalized preventive plan based on your lifestyle and familial risk factors.
Cancer Screenings
Colon: Colon cancer screening is recommended for adults age 50-75, and up to age 85 for some. Colonoscopy is considered the gold standard, however there are several screening methods.
Lung: Low Dose CT is recommended for smokers and former smokers age 55-77 who have smoked at least 30-pack years (packs per day X years).
Skin: Screening for suspicious lesions or moles.
Breast: Mammograms are recommended for most women ages 40-74.
Cervical: Pap Smears are recommended every 3 years for ages 21-29, every 3-5 years for ages 30-65.
Prostate: Prostate screening should discussed for men age 55-69.